ANHPS - Constitution
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Constitution and Rules

for the Armagh Natural History and Philosophical Society

Approved at a General Meeting of the Society held on 22 March 2022.

Name: The name of the organisation shall be ‘The Armagh Natural History and Philosophical Society’, (ANHPS) which may be abbreviated to ‘The Armagh Society.’

Foundation: The ANHPS was founded in 1839 and revived in 1850, since when it has continued in existence until the present day.

Mission: The Armagh Natural History and Philosophical Society is a charitable body which exists to promote education in, and discussion of the natural sciences, philosophy, literature, the arts and similar matters of common or public interest.

Activities: The ANHPS organises events in the City of Armagh and its environs in accordance with its mission statement. These may include lectures, discussions, performances and outings. Normally, lectures and indoor events are held monthly from October to May and outings in summer. On occasion, it may act as a conduit for information and opinion on issues of mutual interest to other organisations, such as the Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council (ABCBC) and government departments (both local and national).

Membership: Membership is open to all, subject to payment of a membership fee. Membership may be terminated at the discretion of the committee.

Governance: The Society is governed by a committee of seven or more persons (maximum ten) elected by ballot at an Annual General Meeting which is to be held on the first Wednesday of October, or as soon as possible thereafter. committee meetings are held in September and March and at such other times as necessary. A quorum requires the presence of a minimum of five committee members. The following office holders who are ex-officio members of the committee are to be elected: a President, a Chairperson, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The committee may co-opt an additional two members, as and when it deems this desirable. In the event of the resignation of an office holder, the committee may temporarily fill the vacancy.

Except for the President, office bearers shall be elected for a period of three years. To maintain continuity, each office shall be filled in rotation with one election per year. The order of election shall be Treasurer, Secretary, Chairperson. The President shall be elected every five years. Other committee members shall be elected or co-opted annually.

Trustees: Assets, including both property and financial, are registered in the names of three trustees elected at an AGM. The trustees are responsible for safeguarding the Society's assets, for their administration, and for the submission of accounts and annual reports on the Society's activities.

Property and Assets: The ANHPS is the ground landlord of the premises at the Mall East, Armagh on which the Armagh County Museum is situated. Subject to the agreement between the ANHPS and the Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council (ABCBC), dated 1 April 2015, and various earlier agreements, the premises are leased to ABCBC for one thousand years, commencing on 1 November 1930. The reading room on the west side of the property is excluded from the lease and remains the property of the Society. This room is available for use by members of the Society and other organisations as previously agreed by the Committee. The Society is in possession of various other assets including financial investments which are held by the trustees on behalf of the Society.

Dissolution: Should the ANHPS cease to operate in the future, assets will be dispersed as follows: (a) any grants or parts of grants would be returned to the organisation that made them available, (b) the property and any remaining funds would be passed to another registered charity operating in the City of Armagh and its environs with similar aims and objectives.

Amendment of the Constitution: This Constitution may be amended by a two thirds majority decision at an Annual General or Extraordinary Meeting of the Society. No amendment may be made to the Constitution that would cause the Society cease to be a charity at law. A copy of the amended constitution and resolution adopting the changes must be sent to the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland.

NI Charity Commission Registration Number: NIC108682